Are you using the correct size outrigger pads for the job? A question we ask during each of our training programs to every operator and the answer is typically the same one: “I’m using what is or was on the truck”. While it’s a fair answer, it’s not the right answer. The response I provide to them is also easy: “what type of soil conditions are you facing this day? While that seems pretty easy, the truth of the matter is also apparent and that is, these small, largely unregulated crane sizes were put together by an installation facility with little to no regard to ground conditions and it is NOT up to the installer to even put pads on
Picker Crane Certification in Alberta
Picker Crane Certification in Alberta Operating a light duty knuckle boom crane is a big responsibility, as these small ‘picker’ cranes, as they are often referred to, are capable of hoisting loads that can, if rigged wrong and moved incorrectly, WILL harm people and property if not handled properly. Here at Light Duty Crane Safety, safe use of the crane is our #1 top priority, which is why all your crane operators should be on your customers site with fully certified operators who are experienced in their field. If you are looking into what certifications are required to operate a crane in Alberta so you can be sure that if you take our crane operator safety program and you have
Alberta Knuckle Boom Picker Certification
What Is Required for Certification in Alberta to Operate a Knuckle Boom Picker? This is one question we are asked, emailed about is; “What certification is do I need to operate knuckle boom cranes legally in Alberta?”. While there is no ‘legal’ requirement, there is an OHS standard that if not interpreted properly, could lead to legal issues if an OHS officer investigates a recordable incident where an individual has been injured or worse. OHS officers have had the legal power to issue a civil fine or charge to companies or individuals that have incorrectly performed their job if it was proven to be negligent. “Picker certification” of often misunderstood as being a trade (like journeyman electrician, plumber, welder, etc.),
New Crane Operator Programs Coming in 2022
We are adding and revising programs for 2022! New programs we are adding: Knuckle Boom Crane Operator Safety and Rigging – 3 days $ POR Carry Deck Crane Operator Safety and Rigging – 3 days $ POR Hi-Rail Crane Operator Safety and Rigging – 3 days $ POR All of these programs will be held either ON-site, using your crane, or at the ASCA in south Edmonton. You will need to bring your crane truck to this as well. For more information or details, please contact us HERE
Do we need to have crane tickets in Alberta?
One Question we are asked a lot is “Do we need to have crane tickets in Alberta or B.C?” In each Province in Canada has their OHS standard take from the CSA Standard on knuckle boom cranes as well as all other crane types. It requires any business that provides these cranes for employee use in their jobs, to also provide specific training for these cranes to be used safely. There are no laws in the sense that you buy a crane and the law says you have to train, this is the confusion. When you buy any specific tool to provide to your employees, you must also provide crane training for those employees operating that crane. In this case
Light Duty Picker Certification for Operators
We offer what is known by many as picker certification, however it’s more than just that. One question we are asked many times, is what is the law about picker training certification? The not so simple answer is there is NO law, just as there are no laws about your having to have your operators certified in H2S, confined space entry, fall arrest, first aid, etc. Now before you back out of the post and say we are crazy, these are all standards your customer, OHS in your respective province and you as an employer must provide to your employees! The crane you now own, is very much a specific tool that you purchased to do a job and like