We offer what is known by many as picker certification, however it’s more than just that.

Knuckle Boom Crane AccidentOne question we are asked many times, is what is the law about picker training certification? 

The not so simple answer is there is NO law, just as there are no laws about your having to have your operators certified in H2S, confined space entry, fall arrest, first aid, etc.  Now before you back out of the post and say we are crazy, these are all standards your customer, OHS in your respective province and you as an employer must provide to your employees!

The crane you now own, is very much a specific tool that you purchased to do a job and like the SCBA or harness you ask them to wear, the crane is unique in the sense that light duty picker training is seen as something that is not on the list, yet the crane is often used 5x or 10x more than any of the other certificate courses are.

Insurance companies will not be so friendly with you in the event of a preventable incident, OH&S officers who may have to investigate any incidents that may occur have always had the ability to charge the employee with a criminal charge, yes it’s rare but do you want to not provide any training because you hired a person that says “it’s easy, I’ve done it hundreds of times before” or “I can run any gear you have” or how about, “I ran a picker at my old job” and never checked to see if it was true or not!

I know, the times now are very…different and sometimes finding the right fit for your company isn’t always so easy we do understand this aspect to be sure, however, if your customer is okay with not having a light duty picker certificate, OHS and insurance may not be so much.

We also understand that costs right now are something all business owners want to keep in check, we offer a great program to help those out yes a payment plan, but right now something is far better than nothing.

There is so much more to this than meets the eye and we have a lot to say about this.

Find out more and how it can affect your insurance premiums by NOT providing certified programs to your employees.