How did we get Here – Picker Safety Training

Picker Stability is it part of Picker Safety Training? So from time to time we get sent some great photos of knuckle boom cranes we look at and from a pure picker safety training perspective, would NEVER give out as being Okay to do in your day to day. However this picture shows a crane with the flip-over stabilizers and in this case where the operator requires full stability but is not able to do so were the leg in the standard position. So what does one do then? IN this case, while many look and say no way, the operator has placed the pads underneath the part of the stabilizer beam, just under the leg itself to be used

Light Picker Training Improved in Alberta

If you have a HIAB crane or a FASSI crane, well actually any light duty knuckle boom crane and are looking for training, we have the program for you We recently completed a training program for one of our customers and thankfully we were able to provide our HIAB knuckle boom crane training INSIDE of their large well ventilated shop as it was -33 outside! If anyone tries to tell you that all you need to do is dress warmer than 4 layers of everything, well not so much. It’s tough  on cranes [and all equipment] as well as those operating them. That said, we talked with the customer about some specific needs their client needed and were able to

Broderson Carry Deck Crane Carry Deck Crane Training

  Our one day operator safety program is really designed for the new carry deck crane operator. We bring the entire day to your field location and provide the CSA and OHS updates required to ensure you have done your due diligence in providing the proper training necessary as well as your competency review of those operators. A minimum of 5 is required for us to come to site, we have a competitive rate as well as reduced travel fee, still a savings of you sending your group into Edmonton or Calgary, with hotel, meals, travel fees etc. With the changes to CSA and OHS, it’s worth the time and small cost to bring us out and provide those updates

What size of Crane Requires a Journeyman Operator?

We’ve been getting quite a few phone calls regarding this and so I thought I’d provide a quick post to help clear that up (hopefully). So in Alberta in particular (Manitoba and NWT also follow this as of this post date), ANY style of crane installed on a truck carrier that has an initial lift capacity of 8-tons or greater as shown on any load chart (it’s the first weight shown on the left hand side of the load chart), must have a trade registered operator at the controls.  This may be an apprentice or a qualified red-seal journeyman (or journey-person depending on your bent). Now where the confusion starts is the Alberta Boom Truck program makes it a bit

Carry Deck Crane Operator Safety Training – Alberta

Onsite Carrydeck Crane Operator Safety Training If you are looking for operator safety training for your Broderson carry deck crane or any other brand such as Shuttlelift, Terex or any brand of carry deck crane, we have the instructor and the training for either a 1-day (mainly geared for new operators or those who don’t use the crane much), to our 2-day more comprehensive program. This on-site carrydeck crane safety training both 1 and 2 day training program will cover the following areas – – Exceeds CSA Z150-16 Standards for Crane Operation – Carry deck crane fundamentals – Principals of load balance, stability, capacity and driving on wheels loaded – Load control & Lift planning scenarios – Daily inspection and set