Light Duty Crane Training in Alberta and Saskatchewan

If your Company Has Any of the Cranes Shown in The Photo and You Want Training for Them, We Have The Program You Need. We provide On-Site training for your operators no matter where you are located in Alberta or Saskatchewan! Knuckle boom cranes are the most common of them, they are very versatile, are generally installed on a variety of trucks, equipment, boats, and so much more!  The brands we have trained our customers on are HIAB, Palfinger, Fassi, Ferrari, Copma and more!   Knuckle Boom Crane Safety Training The bigger your crane becomes it’s likely to have remote control on it for operations and this is by far the BEST scenario as you are always moving with the load

Southern Alberta Light Duty Crane Training

Are you located in Southern Alberta and Looking for the Following Crane Training Programs for Your Operators? Just some of the locations we have trained in are: Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Taber, Brooks, Calgary, Innisfail and Red Deer.  These locations are covered by our instructor in Calgary. We don’t charge a travel fee based on most of these areas are within 2 hours of our office, thereby reducing your cost for training.  We also don’t charge any LOA fees, again we are doing what we can to ensure your training costs are kept as low as possible. Some of the programs we offer are: Knuckle Boom (Picker) Training up to 8-tons – See HERE for more details Carry Deck Crane Training