Alberta Picker Truck Operator Certification

Crane operator safety is of paramount importance in Alberta and for matter, all of Canada. To ensure the well-being of operators and minimize workplace accidents, it is crucial for companies to prioritize safety training and certification. This post aims to shed more light on the significance of light duty crane operator safety and provide insights into the certification process in Alberta. In Alberta, light duty crane operators must adhere to specific regulations to ensure safe operations. For instance, knuckle boom cranes (articulated loader, picker trucks) must not exceed 8 tons in lift capacity. To help companies meet these safety requirements, there are specialized training programs available. One such program is offered by Light Duty Crane Safety Programs, which provides crane-specific,

Hy-Rail Railway Crane Training Program

In spite of the ability to ride the rails, these knuckle boom cranes can actually be more dangerous. The ONE most critical issue with cranes that we promote – STABILITY– and once you have this ingrained into the operator, the rest comes easier. HOWEVER…what we find is that with Hy-Rail Crane Trucks primarily, that while sitting on the tracks, the issue is the ground around the rail lines slopes downward at an angle, making it very difficult to use the outriggers properly and get a good, stable working platform.  Many companies are “used to” this and simply use short reach cranes (less than 25′ – see photo below) to offset the reduced stability, good practice but makes it very challenging