9 New Sigalarm Units on Sidebooms

 Posted by Sigalarm on Friday, August 21, 2015   Sigalarm install on 9-sidebooms as posted in Facebook.  The sideboom/pipeline industry has had it’s fair share of “incidences” regarding power-line strikes and such. As wired or wireless system will provide your project with piece of mind in terms of operator and equipment safety that you simply can’t get anywhere else.

Fire Department Over Head Power Line Protection

We believe when those who serve and protect the public are unnecessarily put into harm’s way.  Yes, they go rushing into fires or towards them to keep people & property safe that much we know and sometimes understand, but ask any firefighter and they will tell you why they do what they do. However, when things go wrong (and they do go wrong) unintentional things place them in situations where they were doing something for a good cause like this picture below: However this video captures much more graphically what happens and how the Sigalarm can prevent this from happening…to anyone. COST should never be the deciding factor on protecting our firefighters, imagine if they used that as their reason

Another Worker Killed By High Voltage Powerline Contact

Saddened, Upset, Dismay, Confusion – this is something I can comprehend, but why should the family of this person have to whenever they think of how this could have happened when there are systems in place to prevent this? Worker Dies In Contact With Powerline Everytime I hear this news I often think, “what if I had been able to contact this company BEFORE this accident happened?”  But I also know, many companies do not believe that their employees are in any real danger during the day to day operations, and yet when this happens I shake my head and say it could have been prevented, but the cost of the device was just too high for their purchasing department.

Where’s The Line – Does This Really Work?

We’ve been HUGE advocates of line safety, we are a dealer for the SigAlarm High Voltage proximity alert systems not simply because we wanted a product line, but simply because more people need to stay away from over head power lines.  I know that is the obvious statement, however it’s not that obvious. We see the messages, the advertisements of “where’s the line”, the meaning is good, the delivery…not so much so it seems. One recent training we did, one of the students brought up a very valid point, “we are bombarded with safety stuff all day, we become desensitised to the posters”  even tho they have a very strong safety culture. Far too many people’s lives are forever altered

High Voltage Proximity Alarm System – Western Canada

We are proud to announce we are the exclusive dealer for Sigalarms in Western Canada (excluding B.C). Video is the property of Sigalarm There are no rules sadly when it comes to working around high voltage power.  There are however company policies and “warnings” that come via training and awareness.  At the Crane Safety Group, we believe that training should be mandatory for all operators not only those working near transmission lines but residential as well. The Sigalarm system works by placing the receiver antenna on the highest point on the unit, then rotating the boom towards the high voltage lines and when you have set the distance on the in-cab unit, you are now able to work and once