Light Duty Crane Training in the Bonnyville area We do contact other companies if their HSE department will allow it, and bring in employees from other companies that may not have our minimum number of employees to attend. So far we’ve worked with 9 different companies for picker truck training in Bonnyville and surrounding area. Our program is simple, concise and emphasizes our 3-core process for all the operators. You won’t see us simply showing the operators how it’s done, they all get to fully participate in everything we talk about during the morning theory session. Call us toll free to book a training session (844) 334-8847 We keep your costs down by bringing our training program to you. You
Is Picker Training Mandatory?
In Alberta, many people often ask us if “certification” equals “qualification,” and, if not, what the difference is. The main difference is the level of testing required. Qualification is done by the employer (think along the lines of competency), and may or may not involve formal testing; It is at the discretion of the employer’s qualified evaluator. Certification requires third-party testing to provide a consistent and accurate means to determine a person’s technical knowledge and hands-on skills related to the task. If you would like to know more or have more questions, such as: “Is picker training mandatory?”, or “do I have to recertify my picker operators every 3 years?” All great questions and we get that a lot. In
Picker Operator Training
Our Light Duty Picker Training Program is Better Than Ever with Updates to Provide Your Company and Your Operators a FULL Day of Picker Training. Our head instructor is a Factory Trained, Certified Operator Light Crane Trainer Who Worked in Austria, France and the U.S.A for Palfinger Cranes. We travel the province of Alberta offering our light duty picker certification program and have received many, many compliments, reviews and return requests so you can rest assured that the information you learn from our HIAB operator training course is on point, on target and on budget! Our picker operator training program is fully compliant with ALL provincial Occupational Health and Safety standards as those are taken from the CSA standard that
HIAB Type Crane Training Program
When it comes to your HIAB picker safety training, why not go with the ones who have been trained by HIAB as well as Palfinger. We’ve been to both factories, one in Perrysburg, U.S.A and the other in Salzburg, Austria. The course we went on was for more advanced in terms of time and materials by comparison. We were there for 5 full days in each location and more, so one of the reasons when asked if we have a 1/2 day training, we do but it’s more a safety walk around than a “training” program. Light picker training is generally regarded as unnecessary and that couldn’t be further from the truth. Like all training you take, it’s up to
HIAB Crane Training – Wabasca
I’ve had the pleasure of working with many folks over the past 7 years and in Wabasca if you have ever been there, well it’s got great fishing lakes, really great people and well, for me it’s got light duty HIAB cranes to instruct on. The HIAB-055-CLX is a pretty darn good little crane, with 3 hydraulic extensions on it it picks near 880 KG at 9.3m. One of the biggest complaints I point out and see all the time is that when this crane or the larger HIAB 077CLX -3 is mounted on a Ford F550 regular cab chassis, these cranes in Alberta are typically installed directly in front of the rear axle, which you may or may not
Light Duty Picker Training Locations in Alberta
Your company will have one of the best trained operators by one of the best trained instructors in Canada. We have our light duty picker instructor based in Edmonton, as well as Calgary, Saskatoon and Regina. So we cover both provinces and come right out to your shop, office, lay down yard. We’re also providing crane training in conjunction with a strong safety company in Bonnyville and with the Alberta Construction Safety Association in Edmonton for open classes. These are generally held once every 2 months as right now there is less demand in our provinces than there once used to be. That said if you have a HIAB, FASSI, PALFINGER or any brand of picker, UNDER 8-tons in either