Light Duty Crane Training in the Bonnyville area

Knuckle Boom Crane SafetyWe do contact other companies if their HSE department will allow it, and bring in employees from other companies that may not have our minimum number of employees to attend.

So far we’ve worked with 9 different companies for picker truck training in Bonnyville and surrounding area.

Our program is simple, concise and emphasizes our 3-core process for all the operators. 

You won’t see us simply showing the operators how it’s done, they all get to fully participate in everything we talk about during the morning theory session.

Call us toll free to book a training session (844) 334-8847

We keep your costs down by bringing our training program to you.  You won’t have to send anyone anywhere, keeping travel time and hourly wages to a minimum.

What will you receive?

  • Wall Certificates
  • Laminated wallet cards
  • Pre-use checklists and SECOR document additions

Send us an email HERE to discuss and we’re confident in one conversation you will see the difference we bring.