The Importance of Proper Equipment Operator Safety Training: Ensuring Compliance and Efficiency

Discover the necessity of equipment operator safety training for cranes lifting over 2000kg. Explore the benefits of picker training and certification in Alberta, including light duty crane training and 1-day light crane certification. Proper equipment operator safety training is crucial for cranes lifting over 2000kg to ensure compliance with industry regulations. Picker training and certification in Alberta provides operators with the necessary skills and knowledge to operate light duty cranes safely. Light duty crane training programs offer efficient and comprehensive training in just one day, leading to light crane certification and improved job performance Introduction When it comes to operating heavy machinery, safety should always be a top priority. In industries where cranes are used to lift loads weighing over

Coil Tubing Crane Operator Training

If you operate a #CoilTubing unit and are looking to get your operators certified in Alberta, look no farther than our on-site picker safety training and certification. We come to your shop and put on our one-day picker program so that your operators will obtain the most current standards set out by CSA as well as Provincial OHS standards. The morning theory session will be 4 hours in length and there is an exam at the end of the morning session.  We then typically bread for 45-minutes for lunch and immediately afterwards the practical evaluation will begin. Typically there is not a lot of room on a coil tubing unit for full use of the boom but we make it

Understand the regulations and requirements for light duty crane safety training for operators

Do you have to use specific 3rd party crane safety training or can you do an in-house training program? Crane safety training SHOULD be an essential part of any companies overall safety and efficiency program, in any construction or industrial, or oilfield environment. Light duty cranes, known by many names like: mini crawler cranes, boom truck, pickers, service cranes, carry deck cranes, etc. are generally smaller and more versatile machines that are often used in tight spaces or for general maintenance, hotshot, plant turnarounds or more specific tasks and we find most operators don’t have any light crane safety training at all.  We’re told they are easy to run, easy to figure out and the words we don’t like hearing…”I’ve

Alberta Knuckle Boom Picker Certification

What Is Required for Certification in Alberta to Operate a Knuckle Boom Picker? This is one question we are asked, emailed about is; “What certification is do I need to operate knuckle boom cranes legally in Alberta?”. While there is no ‘legal’ requirement, there is an OHS standard that if not interpreted properly, could lead to legal issues if an OHS officer investigates a recordable incident where an individual has been injured or worse.  OHS officers have had the legal power to issue a civil fine or charge to companies or individuals that have incorrectly performed their job if it was proven to be negligent.  “Picker certification” of often misunderstood as being a trade (like journeyman electrician, plumber, welder, etc.),

Light Duty Crane Training in Alberta and Saskatchewan

If your Company Has Any of the Cranes Shown in The Photo and You Want Training for Them, We Have The Program You Need. We provide On-Site training for your operators no matter where you are located in Alberta or Saskatchewan! Knuckle boom cranes are the most common of them, they are very versatile, are generally installed on a variety of trucks, equipment, boats, and so much more!  The brands we have trained our customers on are HIAB, Palfinger, Fassi, Ferrari, Copma and more!   Knuckle Boom Crane Safety Training The bigger your crane becomes it’s likely to have remote control on it for operations and this is by far the BEST scenario as you are always moving with the load

How did we get Here – Picker Safety Training

Picker Stability is it part of Picker Safety Training? So from time to time we get sent some great photos of knuckle boom cranes we look at and from a pure picker safety training perspective, would NEVER give out as being Okay to do in your day to day. However this picture shows a crane with the flip-over stabilizers and in this case where the operator requires full stability but is not able to do so were the leg in the standard position. So what does one do then? IN this case, while many look and say no way, the operator has placed the pads underneath the part of the stabilizer beam, just under the leg itself to be used