Effer Light Duty Crane Operator Training in Lloydminster

Effer Light Duty Crane Operator Training in Lloydminster. We just completed a full day operator safety program and we used 2 cranes due to the high number of operators that attended.  The program keeps your operators compliant with the OHS section 69 standard, as well as many energy operators now require proof of training and certification of anyone who does work on many of their sites to have picker specific training. Our programs are 1-day, basic operator safety programs that do provide a certificate for a 3 year period, just as you would with all your other certifications. The 3-day program is far more in-depth and is primarily for experienced operators looking to expand their level of knowledge, but can

Do we need to have crane tickets in Alberta?

One Question we are asked a lot is “Do we need to have crane tickets in Alberta or B.C?” In each Province in Canada has their OHS standard take from the CSA Standard on knuckle boom cranes as well as all other crane types. It requires any business that provides these cranes for employee use in their jobs, to also provide specific training for these cranes to be used safely. There are no laws in the sense that you buy a crane and the law says you have to train, this is the confusion.  When you buy any specific tool to provide to your employees, you must also provide crane training for those employees operating that crane.  In this case

Light Picker Certification in Grande Prairie

Looking for Light Duty Knuckleboom Crane Training Program in the Grande Prairie Area? We’ve helped thousands of  operators and hundreds of companies train their operators on proper, safe use of the articulated loader (picker) cranes.   Our light duty knuckle picker training is 1-day in duration and that is all that is needed.   Contact us at (844) 334-8847 The program is for ANY knuckle boom crane that lifts LESS THAN 8-tons in capacity in Alberta.  Coverage is based out of Edmonton for this training we travel to your shop and provide your company with this program that is CRANE SPECIFIC, not a one size fits all.  We now provide training for BC based customers! We bring everything needed to your

Picker Operator Training

Our Light Duty Picker Training Program is Better Than Ever with Updates to Provide Your Company and Your Operators a FULL Day of Picker Training. Our head instructor is a Factory Trained, Certified Operator Light Crane Trainer Who Worked in Austria, France and the U.S.A for Palfinger Cranes. We travel the province of Alberta offering our light duty picker certification program and have received many, many compliments, reviews and return requests so you can rest assured that the information you learn from our HIAB operator training course is on point, on target and on budget! Our picker operator training program is fully compliant with ALL provincial Occupational Health and Safety standards as those are taken from the CSA standard that

Alberta Companies Working in BC – Crane Certification Update

We are able to provide training to ALBERTA based customers doing crane work in BC. So what does that mean?  If your crane on your truck has a capacity of LESS than 5-tons initial pick capacity, and your crane has LESS than 30′ of hydraulic reach, we are able to provide you with full certification. Should your crane EXCEED these specifications, then you would be required to take a BCACS crane certification program. The whole premise is not unlike here in Alberta, if your picker lifts less than 8-tons (initial pick) and does NOT have an attached winch that is capable of a 9,000lb single line pull (similar to a carry deck type crane or other larger cranes that have

HIAB type Light Duty Crane Training in Saskatchewan

HIAB Type Light Picker Training in Saskatchewan It’s no secret that it’s certainly a lot quieter than it has been on the training front, however in Saskatchewan it’s actually picked up (no pun intended). Seems that businesses that are closer to the US border are seeing an uptick and that is a good thing for us and for them!   This was out in Southern Saskatchewan and while many businesses are further apart than those in Alberta, the folks are incredible and always willing to learn a thing or three!  The 1-ton crew truck are by and large, the most popular with cranes by HIAB, Palfinger, Fassi and Amco Veba the most seen and used in the west.  Hiab type light