Typical 1-Ton Oilfield Service Package

If this is what your crew is operating, then you should be prepared to offer them our knuckle boom operator program.

Give your company a competitive edge by showing that your guys have been certified to operate the crane. It’s a simple process, we provide the foundation for a good knuckle picker operator, like driving, we can’t teach anyone to drive like a pro in one-day, but we can give them a solid foundation to make sure they know the few items that can really get them into trouble as well as keep them out of trouble!

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We also show the difference between being “stable” and not being stable.  We also test the limit of the unit you have purchased to ensure that the crane you have will lift “SAFELY” what you need it to lift.  Many of these packages have 40′ of reach, however after we test them with max weight/distance, find out that the chassis is NOT capable of handling the load at max distance.