Picker Truck Operator Training

There comes a time when handing the keys of a $150,000 and up oilfield service truck has to send shivers down the spine of owner who had to hire based on availability. We don’t just ask you to bring a 4′ level to the training, what for?  There is NO way you can level any picker truck unless the ground is flat.  How many times I hear this makes it even more clear, there are those teaching this program who have no idea what they are doing.  When you have one set of outriggers, how do you expect to have a level vehicle?  it’s much like letting most of the air out of the driver side tires and expecting the

Does Your Company Need Crane Training?

I get asked this question many times over and the answer hasn’t changed.  There are (at the time of this update), no Provincial requirements that mandate your company to take the awareness program we provide. All knuckle boom instruction is voluntary only.  If you are told by anyone who sells cranes that you are required to have training of any sort (particularity in Saskatchewan), I would ask them to provide you with Provincially mandated proof! I get someone wants to sell you a training program, we will never “Lie” to you or mis-lead you in any way.  You either want the program as part of your pro-active COR or safety recognition program, or you don’t. Suffice it to say, good

1-Day Light Duty Oilfield Picker Certification

Our one-day light duty oilfield picker certification training course covers all sizes of light duty cranes and boom trucks that do NOT fall under the provincial apprenticeship program for Cranes and Hoisting Equipment Operator. Basically if your crane can’t lift 8-tons up close on the load chart, our training will work for your compliance. See our FAQ page for more details or click HERE for all of the details.  Edmonton picker training is something we have been doing for the past 8 years and many of our customers keep coming back as our program has evolved over that time to reflect changes from CSA. Click HERE to Contact us For a No Obligation Quote